Photo for Today - will be resumed soon

Photo for Today - will be resumed soon

Apologies to everyone for the late updating of the blog. I've been a bit busy with other things, but you'll find the best of the backlog above. See more tomorrow.

The Photo for Today will be back when I have sorted out the next batch of Rick's photos and captions, probably tomorrow.

- Blog Updates Until Early/mid January
I'm off to my mountain retreat tomorrow with my father. This now has a landline phone but no broadband so I will be picking up emails but having very little time on the web. I have changed my Blogger settings so that I can email stories in to the...

- Taking The Day Off To Move Furniture
I'll be back again tomorrow but, unless something truly unmissable breaks later today, I'm moving furniture and its contents from one room to another so that a large carpet cane be taken up today and a new one put down to replace it tomorrow morning....

- Interruption To Normal Service
Apologies for the interruption to normal service. It has been a surprisingly busy few days! The blog will be resumed either this evening or tomorrow morning. Kind regards AndieEgyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Blog Update
Tomorrow I am off to north Wales for a few days. I won't be updating the blog whilst I'm away but I'll update it on my return. I won't be picking up emails either, so I'll reply when I get back. I'll be back on Tuesday or Wednesday....

- Blog Update - The Next Week Or So.
Hi to all This post is just to let you know that I am off to Wales tomorrow, back on Thursday, so the blog certainly won't be updated tomorrow or Wednesday, and probably not on Thursday either, because at some point that day I've got to go to...

