Four feet, few bones and a new climate-controlled home

Four feet, few bones and a new climate-controlled home
An article looking at the analysis of a Faiyum female mummy. An insight as much into earlier conservation methods as anything, this is one of the better CT Scan pieces to appear recently:
"Archaeologists at the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture had no idea what they would learn when they sent Nellie, the museum's Egyptian mummy, to the University of Washington Medical Center to undergo a CT scan three years ago as the first step in a conservation process. As it turns out, they learned a lot. For one thing, Nellie, who dates back to the Ptolemaic period between 305 and 34 B.C., has four feet. The pair that had been displayed with Nellie for years did not belong to her. . . . They also found that most of the bones from the mummy's body, including her original feet had been removed sometime in the 20th century, and her chest cavity had been filled with chicken wire and polyurethane foam. Scans of the skull also revealed Nellie's lips faintly curled, enigmatically, like some Egyptian Mona Lisa".
Read the article for the full story on the University of Washington website.

Thanks very much to Official Nitpicker and good guy Chris Towsend for pointing out that this article acutally dates back to September 2003. I hadn't noticed - sorry!! I liked the item, so I am leaving it up, but please be aware that it was actually written over two years ago.

- Strange Bones In Colchester Mummy
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- Cat Scan Of Adult Mummy From Royal Ontario Museum
The Star The above article looks at results from scans on four mummies owned by the Royal Ontario Museum, one of which, an anonymous adult, was scanned last week. The previously scanned mummies are also described, including two infants and a female musician...

- Ct Scans Of Mummy Djehutynakht An article about the CT scans of the mummy Djehutynakht, a 4,000 year old mummy artifact of an Egyptian governor from Boston's Museum of Fine Arts....

- 2008 In Brief
Among the finds of this past year was an old kingdom pyramid belonging to queen Sesheshet of dynasty six this find was moderately interesting as were the two empty tombs found near the causeway of king Unas.

- A Looker
Seattle's only Egyptian mummy is a 2000 year old beauty! This article comes with some impressive pictures.

