A Looker

A Looker

Seattle's only Egyptian mummy is a 2000 year old beauty! This article comes with some impressive pictures.


- Mummy Unveiled At Burke Museum
The Daily UW (Heather Milligan) Swaying reeds line the Nile River as a breeze carries the scent of spices and ripening figs past obelisks and pyramids. Hieroglyphics, engraved into these monuments, tell tales of mighty pharaohs and battles. Many people...

- Four Feet, Few Bones And A New Climate-controlled Home
http://www.uwnews.org/article.asp?articleID=2177An article looking at the analysis of a Faiyum female mummy. An insight as much into earlier conservation methods as anything, this is one of the better CT Scan pieces to appear recently: "Archaeologists...

- Don't Have A Bird !
Here is an article on an Egyptian mummy believed to have a bird mummy in it's abdomen however the ct scan done on the mummy suggests viscera. The article comes with 9 excellent pictures. The article suggests that the mummy is 4000 years old but the...

- Mummies Everywhere

- Restoration Mummy
This article on the restoration of a mummy from Akmim has a number of okay pictures. http://lostegypt.wordpress.com/2008/10/31/mummy-restoration/...

