Restoration Mummy

Restoration Mummy

This article on the restoration of a mummy from Akmim has a number of okay pictures.

- Reconstruction Of The Mummy Of Pum 1
Here we have the mummy known as Pum 1 (Pennsylvania University mummy 1), the mummy was autopsied back in 1972 and from the picture the mummy appears to be in good shape. However in reality the mummy from the waist up is in many pieces and overdue for...

- Don't Have A Bird !
Here is an article on an Egyptian mummy believed to have a bird mummy in it's abdomen however the ct scan done on the mummy suggests viscera. The article comes with 9 excellent pictures. The article suggests that the mummy is 4000 years old but the...

- Restoring Humanity
Here is the tale of a mummy being made ready for display including taking advantage of the moment to study it.

- A Looker
Seattle's only Egyptian mummy is a 2000 year old beauty! This article comes with some impressive pictures.

- Check Up For Shep-en-min
Vassar's mummy has received its turn in the C.T. scan. The mummy as indicated by the name of the God "Min" is from the Akmim area of Egypt. Happily he is the son of another well known mummy that of Pahat.

