Fourteen Tombs

Fourteen Tombs

This is a video on the tombs recently found at the Bahariya oasis.

- New Book: The Lost Tombs Of Thebes (Zahi Hawass) With video This sounds rather more interesting than many of the coffee table type books that come out at this time of year on the western market. The video shows Hawass and Dr Janice Kamrin talking about the Theban tombs (4.41...

- Mummies And Ct Technology This item goes back and looks at some of the work that has been carried out on Tutankhamun, but also mentions the Bahariya project: "In addition to their work on Tut, an international group of radiologists, epidemiologists and...

- Thebe's Lost Tombs
This excellent four minute video about the "lost" tombs of Thebes has some interesting images of some of the better preserved tombs.

- Twenty Sixth Dynasty Burials
This article from Dr. Hawass is on the Bahariya oasis and the 26th dynasty burials found by Dr. Hawass' team.

- Tombs Of Dra Abu El Naga

