Friends of the Giza Geomatrix Team

Friends of the Giza Geomatrix Team

This is another article from Dr. Zahi Hawass' "Dig Days" series this time the doctor is back on the pyromidiots, in particular those with the "Friends of the Giza Geomatrix Team" who according to Dr. Hawass are making claims of having done ground penetrating radar in the village of Nazlet Al-Samman. This was not approved by the Supreme Council of Antiquities and as a result if this did happen it was done illegally.

- Dig Days - Nazlet Al-samman And Pyramidiots
Saving Giza (Zahi Hawass) There are two components to this edition of Dig Days - an understandably frustrated commentary on the "Friends of the Giza Geomatrix Team" (the mind boggles, quite frankly) and a short but informative paragraph about the investigations...

- Dig Days: Queen Sofia Of Spain Hawass's Dig Days column in the Al Ahram Weekly this week describes Zahi's four meetings with the Queen of Spain: "Queen Sofia told me she had heard about my discovery of the tombs of the Pyramid...

- Back To The Valley Of Kings
There are new ground penetrating radar studies going on in the world famous necropolis Biban el Malouk, Valley of Kings. The team consists of Egyptians working on behalf of the Ministry of State for Antiquities and the Glen Dash Foundation for Archaeological...

- Those Pyramidiots
This is an article from Dr. Zahi Hawass's series "Dig Days", the doctor discusses those people who believe that a secret will be unveiled in 2012 at Giza and Al- Lahoun that will save the world....

- Dr. Hawass Has Nothing To Explain
Dr. Zahi Hawass explains himself over criticism that he has been receiving but to a degree I still think Dr. Hawass probably is missing the point. As I am an avid reader and have read numerous articles and many of Dr. Hawass' books I can tell you...

