Those Pyramidiots

Those Pyramidiots

This is an article from Dr. Zahi Hawass's series "Dig Days", the doctor discusses those people who believe that a secret will be unveiled in 2012 at Giza and Al- Lahoun that will save the world.

- Lahun Excavation Is Shut Down
Ahram Online (Nevine El-Aref) Hopefully further information will emerge to clarify the situation. Excavations at the Lahoun archaeological site in Fayoum have been halted due to negligence of the excavators The Permanent Committee of Egyptian Antiquities...

- Chasing Mummies: A Review
When first I watched the new TV soap opera known as "Chasing Mummies" or as I like to call it Chasing the mummy, I had a friend over for dinner who asked if we could watch something less irritating, I agreed but sadly because I was writing this article...

- Friends Of The Giza Geomatrix Team
This is another article from Dr. Zahi Hawass' "Dig Days" series this time the doctor is back on the pyromidiots, in particular those with the "Friends of the Giza Geomatrix Team" who according to Dr. Hawass are making claims of having done ground...

- Dr. Hawass Is Not A Terrorist
Here is another of Dr. Zahi Hawass' "Dig Days" though the dig here appears to be about English bureaucracy mistreating the fine doctor. Hey to Dr. Hawass bureaucracy sucks just ask the people of Qurna or those former residents in the way of the avenue...

- Dr. Hawass Has Nothing To Explain
Dr. Zahi Hawass explains himself over criticism that he has been receiving but to a degree I still think Dr. Hawass probably is missing the point. As I am an avid reader and have read numerous articles and many of Dr. Hawass' books I can tell you...

