

GlyphStudy Group

There are two conversations currently underway on the GlyphStudy email group which may be of interest to blog visitors. It is completely free to join and participate in the GlyphStudy group, which exists to help people learn hieroglyphs. There is extensive mutual support from group members, and the allocation of homework (which is returned to a moderator and collated into a PDF saved at the Group's site for reference) is a powerful incentive to keep up with the lessons. Have a look at the Group's home page, above, to read more about what we're all about.

The first is a discussion that may be of interest is about whether or not there is enough interest to support a new study group for beginners who wish to learn hieroglyphs. Previous study groups are at different stages of James Allen's book, but the current discussion suggests that perhaps a less ambitious text could be considered - Collier and Manley or Karmin, for example. The group has a volunteer to co-ordinate the new group and correlate the homework. If you feel that this might be of interest have a look at the above page, where you can read the discussion and join the group. The most useful thread in this context is probably:

The second discussion is focusing on the possibility of studying from De Buck's reader. There are complications about how this could be managed, particularly given the expense and availability of the book concerned, but those interested in this proposal might like to have a look at the above page where the current conversation can be followed.

- Learning Middle Egyptian With Glyphstudy
Talking Pyramids (Vincent Brown) Thanks very much to Vincent for this excellent summary of the current state of play with the GlyphStudy Middle Egyptian group. I've been away and had somewhat lost track of what was due to happen when: The Yahoo group...

- Glyphstudy Hieroglyph Course 2009
GlyphStudy The GlyphStudy hieroglyph study group has a new 2009 group whose members will be studying out of James Hoch's Middle Egyptian Grammar as from July. This is not an inexpensive book but if you are interested in participating in the group...

- Middle Egyptian Hieroglyph Study Group 2008
GlyphStudy As most visitors will know, I am a member of a study group (GlyphStudy) which offers the opportunity to learn hieroglyphs from a standard text with a number of other like-minded people. We use email to co-ordinate our efforts and have online...

- Glyphstudy Group a brief reminder that if you are interested in learning hieroglyphs in the company of people who are also beginning from scratch, you are not too late to join the GlyphStudy group who are following James Allen's...

- Glyphstudy Group those of you who are unaware of the group, GlyphStudy is a subsidiary of the Ancient Egyptian Language group, and its purpose is to provide an informal environment in which people can support each other to...

