Middle Egyptian hieroglyph study group 2008

Middle Egyptian hieroglyph study group 2008


As most visitors will know, I am a member of a study group (GlyphStudy) which offers the opportunity to learn hieroglyphs from a standard text with a number of other like-minded people. We use email to co-ordinate our efforts and have online resources at the GlyphStudy home page.

We are starting up a new beginner's hieroglyph study group at the moment, starting off with Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs: A Practical Guide - A Step-by-Step Approach to Learning Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs by Janice Kamrin (Harry N. Abrams ISSN/ISBN: 081094961X). It is available from a number of online sources.

After completing the Kamrin book we will move on to James P. Allen’s Middle Egyptian. The earliest chapters of Allen will be useful revision, but will soon take us into many new aspects of grammar and will introduce us to a much wider vocabulary.

The group’s overall leader is Karen, and our moderator for the new group (who will co-ordinate all our activities) will be Bob Manske, who is has been a member of the group for some time, and is an invaluable resource in his own right.

If you like the sound of this and want to join us (it is free of charge) you will need to follow some basic instructions. Our group is operated from a Yahoo! Website, and you will need an email invitation to join it.

Send an email to Karen ([email protected]) with the following information:

  1. Tell her that you are new to the group and wish to join
  2. Give a first name and
  3. Give a last name
  4. Give a current email address.

I look forward to seeing some of you over there!

- Update - Glyphstudy Hieroglyph Courses 2009
A quick reminder that if you are intersted in learning hieroglyphs, free of charge, you can do so with the GlyphStudy group which is kicking off a new set of mutual-help courses this month. Here's the latest email from wonderful Karen at GlyphStudy:...

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- Glyphstudy Hieroglyph Course 2009
GlyphStudy The GlyphStudy hieroglyph study group has a new 2009 group whose members will be studying out of James Hoch's Middle Egyptian Grammar as from July. This is not an inexpensive book but if you are interested in participating in the group...

- Glyphstudy
GlyphStudy Group There are two conversations currently underway on the GlyphStudy email group which may be of interest to blog visitors. It is completely free to join and participate in the GlyphStudy group, which exists to help people learn hieroglyphs....

- Glyphstudy Group
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GlyphStudy/For those of you who are unaware of the group, GlyphStudy is a subsidiary of the Ancient Egyptian Language group, and its purpose is to provide an informal environment in which people can support each other to...

