Update - GlyphStudy Hieroglyph Courses 2009

Update - GlyphStudy Hieroglyph Courses 2009

A quick reminder that if you are intersted in learning hieroglyphs, free of charge, you can do so with the GlyphStudy group which is kicking off a new set of mutual-help courses this month. Here's the latest email from wonderful Karen at GlyphStudy:

Just a reminder that we are going to start our 2009 sections soon and you should sign up if you are interested. 3 new study sections starting this July, one for Hoch, one for Allen, and one for Collier and Manley's introduction to Hieroglyphs. This is an amazing opportunity, we have had two new moderators sign on for duty ( : so take advantage of this opportunity while it is available. Our group should be stronger than ever.

Each group will have its own homework posting site on Yahoogroups, and the section moderator's will send those out after you sign up as a participant for a given section.

and to do that contact Karen at [email protected]

I would love to hear from all of you and hear how your studies are progressing, do tell me if you are returning this summer or if you are no longer studying but still following the list and hoping to return.

As usual, all discussion will take place on our main GlyphStudy discussion list.

Here are the 3 sections, please make note of the required textbooks, and the email addresses for your moderators, so you can contact them to request admission to a section. If you have any questions feel free to post the section moderators,
Bob Manske or Angela Mann, or for general inquiries, Karen at [email protected]

For the homework group invites--make sure to check your spam folders if you don't receive an invitation within one week of signing up for a section

Karen your mod


#1. Hoch 2009 section: using

Middle Egyptian Grammar (SSEA Publication) (Plastic Comb)by James Hoch This text runs $49 at Amazon USA but you can receive a discount if you order from Oxbow books directly. To receive the discount you will need to mention AEL (the discount is through our old parent group AncientEgyptianLanguage and not GlyphStudy-so say AEL)

The Hoch group will start on July 12th, the first homework will be due on July 26th.

You will need to have the book in hand to work with the course. You will not need to purchase Hoch's sign list. I will have study guides available and have also started to develop a web-site where things like vocabulary lists, grammar summaries, sign lists, and the like will be maintained in addition to the study guides and collation materials that will also be available on GlyphStudy.

Anyone who is interested in the Hoch group should send an e-mail to me at
manske_r @ yahoo . com (delete the spaces around the @ sign and the period - otherwise it won't reach me) stating your interest in taking the course.

Put "HOCH" in the subject line, that will be helpful.

I'll use the return address to send the formal invitation to you to join the group.

Some of you have already expressed your interest - and I will try to get invitations to you, but to insure that I do, please send a note to me at the address listed above.


#2 Collier and Manley 2009 section

You will need to purchase a copy of How to Read Egyptian Hieroglyphs: A Step-by-Step Guide to Teach Yourself, Revised Edition by Mark Collier and Bill Manley. These are reasonably priced at Amazon and you can even acquire a used or remainder copy through Amazon Sellers at a discount

I will be using the 2004 reprint of Collier & Manley's 'How to Read Egyptian Hieroglyphs: A step by-Step Guide to teach yourself '. If you have an edition prior to 2003, you may find that it has a few errors in it (particularly in the answers to the exercises!) - but I don't think you should find this a significant problem.

Collier and Manley is a beginner's book - it introduces you to hieroglyhs.

It concentrates on funerary inscriptions; it uses stelae from the British Museum for examples and exercises.

By the end of the book you should be able to visit Egypt (or a museum) and read the basic inscriptions.

I started with Collier and Manley and, as I was hopeless with languages, and found it a very good introduction.

A rough estimate to complete the course is 18 months.

The study group will start on the 12th July with the reading of Chapter 1.

The first homework will be due 26th July.

Timetables, details of where and how to post homework, etc. will be published in the next couple of weeks.

I hope that everyone will do all the exercises -starting with all the exercises for chapter 1 in one go, but spreading the exercises out over more than one week after that.

If there is anyone who would liketo join, please send me an email to
[email protected] putting 'C&M 2009' in the subject box.


#3 Allen 2009 section

You will need to purchase a copy of James P. Allen's Middle Egyptian: An introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs.

I will be using the 2004 print of James P. Allen's 'Middle Egyptian - An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs'. However, the date of your copy should not matter.

A 2009 Allen Group will start on the 12th July with the reading of chapter 1 (you will not need to submit homework for this chapter).

Timetables, details of where and how to post homework, etc will be published in the next couple of weeks. I will be running this group on a similar basis to previous Allen groups - there will be a week to read a chapter and the first homework for the chapter will be due at the end of the following week. After the first three lessons we will slow down the pace and increase the reading time to two weeks, and even three weeks reading for the final chapters of the book.

The exercises will be spread over several weeks; each of you will receive an allocated 2/3 exercises each week, so that each exercise should be completed by at least three people.

If you would like to join this Group, please send me an email to [email protected] - putting Allen 2009 in the subject box.

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