Hair extensions from Hierakonpolis

Hair extensions from Hierakonpolis

Pop Omnivore

This post on the National Geographic's blog Pop Omnivore actually dates to October, but it is one of the items featured in the inaugural edition of the Carnival of Curiosities Blog Carnival (for an explanation of blog carnivals see the explanatory feature on Wikipedia). It's not really news, but it is a slow day and an interesting artefact!

So some of the poseurs on America’s Next Top Model got weaves last night. It hurt. A lot. “I just felt like my scalp was bleeding,” said Ebony. Girlfriend, women have been crying over weaves for 5,000 years.

That’s the age of the weave (pictured, above) found in an ancient tomb by archaeologist Renee Friedman, director of the Hierakonpolis Expedition. The hair extensions were woven to the mummy’s real hair were … also her real hair. She must have grown it, cut it off, then had it woven back on for a little hairdo height. (Big hair was really popular in 3600 B.C.) The weave woman also dyed her hair with henna for color that really lasted – we’re talking millennia!

See the above page for the full post.

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