Hawass denies being anti-Semitic

Hawass denies being anti-Semitic

drhawass.com (Zahi Hawass)

It has come to my attention that questions about my views on Jewish heritage were raised during a recent interview I gave at the History Channel. It seems that several people had written in with comments suggesting that I am anti-Semitic. I would like to state for the record that I am not anti-Semitic at all, and clarify the following:

This ridiculous accusation first arose after an interview I gave in Arabic for Egyptian television. The interviewer made claims that the Jewish community was trying to control the world and was engaged in a “Zionist conspiracy.” Unfortunately, these comments were attributed to me. My only role in this interview was to discuss the history of the Jewish community in Egypt through the archaeological record. I did not, and do not, agree with the statements made by the interviewer.

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