Hawass on Facebook

Hawass on Facebook

Dr Zahi Hawass Facebook

Zahi Hawass now has a Facebook presence. Apart from an endless stream of comments on the main page from the public in general, there is a page of photos of his recent tour of the Museum of Islam with Farouk Hosni.

- New Facebook Page / New Book: Third Intermediate Period
Thanks to Kate Phizackerley for pointing out that there is a new page on Facebook dedicated to the Third Intermediate Period: http://www.facebook.com/groups/239832019441502/ On that page Aidan Dodson has announced that he has a new book on the Third...

- Ancient Egypt Magazine Has New Facebook Page
Official Ancient Egypt Magazine on Facebook From Bob Partridge: Over the last few years we have started to use Facebook to pass on relevant new information to you which sometimes cant wait for the two monthly publishing cycle. For some reason we seem...

- Conference: Cre Xii
Facebook Twitter The organizers are pleased to announce that Current Research in Egyptology XII will take place between 23rd and 26th March 2011 in Durham (UK). Further information and call for papers will be coming soon. To keep updated, you can join...

- Meresamun On Facebook
Meresamun Facebook page Sometimes, just sometimes, I think that the freedom to communicate on such a global scale leads some of us to do things about which we should have thought twice. The mummy Meresamun now has a Facebook page, and I really have to...

- New Facebook Presence For The Petrie
Thanks to Jan Picton, Secretary, Friends of the Petrie Museum, for the information that there is now a new unofficial Fan page for the Petrie Museum - and you don't have to belong to Facebook to look at it. It gives you the opportunity to start discussions,...

