Hawass overview of current status in various projects

Hawass overview of current status in various projects

Some of the new mummies that have been unearthed of late are likely to be those of ancient Egypt’s most controversial royals, announced Zahi Hawass, head of the Supreme Council of Antiquities.
Egypt’s chief archaeologist, who spoke on Wednesday to a packed hall at the American University in Cairo, noted that the mummies that are awaiting confirmation of scanning tests are among some of the new discoveries in the field of archaeology. This is in addition to a number of new findings from excavations which were carried out in Heliopolis and the Valley of the Kings, Luxor.
Hawass also said that four doors that have been pinpointed inside the big pyramid could also reveal some of the secrets of that ancient wonder.
He pointed out that the controversial mummies are thought to be those of Queen Hatshepsut, the only female ruler in ancient Egypt, whose mummy was found in Al Deir El Bahari along with that of her father Thotmous I . . . . Hawass also said that a tomb tucking away at a Ptolomite site near Alexandria could be sheltering the mummies of Antony and Cleopatra, the most famous Greek lovers of all time. . . . Hawass also announced that a temple belonging to King Ramses II, as well as a number of other tombs, were unearthed in Heliopolis."
See the above article for the entire story.

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