Hawass vs Stupid

Hawass vs Stupid

It should be apparent the meeting between Dr Zahi Hawass and singer Beyonce was not a pleasant day at the pyramids. Dr. Hawass would have done himself a favour if he had gone about his business and left after a half hour instead he waited 2 hours.

Beyonce came across as spoiled, out of touch and perhaps not even interested which caused Dr. Hawass to say “She’s a stupid person and she doesn’t understand a thing and she doesn’t want to understand. She’s coming here to take pictures and that’s it”.

Unfortunately Dr. Hawass has a habit of dishing out such insults to people in Arabic when he thinks the person he's insulting cannot understand him.

At this point Beyonce is the clear winner leaving Dr. Hawass looking stupid!

1. For waiting two hours to get his picture taken with Beyonce!

2. For publicly slandering Beyonce when he should have been ignoring her!

3. For using his native tongue to hide his words!

This has been a trivial unfortunate episode lets hope the doctor gets some rest and comes back less cranky. To Dr. Hawass' credit he did give Beyonce one of his giant books which would make anyone sore and cranky holding it for two hours.

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