Doctors Orders

Doctors Orders

This is yet another article from Dr. Zahi Hawass putting forward yet again Egyptians doing archaeology in Egypt and being responsible for the protection of the monuments. The doctor explains about past history in excavations without scientific merit and the damage done to her ruins as a result.

Dr Hawass says of his critics "many of these critics are just hungry for fame for themselves." and then goes on to make a cryptic statement "One in particular believes that I do not know him, but I am aware of everything he says.".

The fine doctor drifts on about "holes" and an anonymous person who has criticized his excavations, Dr. Hawass says "I know who this person is and he should go see our excavations in the Valley of Kings or Saqqara to see the difference between our work and his, which people actually do refer to as holes."

This point mystified me as I was under the impression archaeology was all about holes, I know there were insults there but I was unable to figure out whether it was the men or the science that was insulted?

Dr. Hawass then talks about the shifting of archaeological excavations into the delta and surrounding deserts as well as some changes in the laws of excavation, and again he restates that he does not take credit for the work of others. True though you will have to look past him to see who did the work, a very nineteenth century approach!

Dr. Hawass brings up proper protocol and how the author of that excellent book "The Search for Nefertiti" broke it! He talks about having his discoveries published and verified as in the case of the recent DNA results of the royal mummies and lastly the standards of those employed under the Supreme Council of Antiquities.

- A Look At Dr. Hawass
This article on Dr. Zahi Hawass displays the doctor as an angry egotistical narcissist who fakes discoveries and claims credit for the discoveries of others. The fine Dr. Hawass may well be Egypt's most famous son and is responsible for the return...

- Hawass Vs Stupid
It should be apparent the meeting between Dr Zahi Hawass and singer Beyonce was not a pleasant day at the pyramids. Dr. Hawass would have done himself a favour if he had gone about his business and left after a half hour instead he waited 2 hours. Beyonce...

- Jealous Grief
Dr. Hawass has decided to repeat yesterdays article on an anonymous egyptologists. Dr. Hawass talks about criticism he has received in regards to the fact that one of his teams is searching for the improbable tomb of Cleopatra VII and her squeeze Mark...

- The Tomb Of Cleopatra And Antony
Dr. Hawass talks about criticism he has received in regards to the fact that one of his teams is searching for the improbable tomb of Cleopatra VII and her squeeze Mark Antony. The suggestion that the Roman Emperor Octavian would have had his enemies...

- The Superstar
This is a rundown of Dr. Hawass's intentions for his excavations in the valley of kings. Though most is already known Dr. Hawass failed to mention that the anomaly now regarded as KV64 was found by "The Amarna Royal Tombs Project". Loved the photo...

