A Look at Dr. Hawass

A Look at Dr. Hawass

This article on Dr. Zahi Hawass displays the doctor as an angry egotistical narcissist who fakes discoveries and claims credit for the discoveries of others. The fine Dr. Hawass may well be Egypt's most famous son and is responsible for the return of thousands of stolen artifacts but charm is sometimes lacking.

- Nefertiti Stays Put
A very good article on Dr. Hawass and his request for Berlin's bust of Nefertiti to visit Egypt (preferably on a permanent basis). The article claims the western media has made the doctor look bad no doubt the western media has noticed Dr. Hawass'...

- Friends Of The Giza Geomatrix Team
This is another article from Dr. Zahi Hawass' "Dig Days" series this time the doctor is back on the pyromidiots, in particular those with the "Friends of the Giza Geomatrix Team" who according to Dr. Hawass are making claims of having done ground...

- Doctors Orders
This is yet another article from Dr. Zahi Hawass putting forward yet again Egyptians doing archaeology in Egypt and being responsible for the protection of the monuments. The doctor explains about past history in excavations without scientific merit and...

- Dr. Hawass Does His Job

- Pointing Fingers
Here is another Dig Days article from Dr. Zahi Hawass about amateur Egyptologists and though much of what the fine doctor says is true he also points to his discovery of the mummy of Hatshepsut and points out that discovery channel made mistakes in its...

