Head of Amenhotep

Head of Amenhotep

This is a photo of the now famous head of Amenhotep III confiscated from a smuggling ring headed by Jonathan Tokeley Parry

- Two Reliefs Stolen From Saqqara Recovered
Ahram Online (Nevine El-Aref) With photo. The Egyptian Tourism and Antiquities Police have succeeded in recovering two well-preserved limestone reliefs stolen in 1986 by an international antiquities smuggling gang from Saqqara archaeological storehouses....

- Massive Head Discovered At Mortuary Temple Of Amenhotep Iii
npr With two photos Archaeologists have unearthed a massive red granite head of one Egypt's most famous pharaohs who ruled nearly 3,400 years ago, the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities announced Sunday. The head of Amenhotep III, which alone...

- Pharaoh's Head Returned To Egypt
Archaeology Magazine The full background story about the investigation and the trial is available on the above page. Londonist Egyptian authorities have taken possession of a 3,500-year old sculpture of a Pharaoh's head, nearly 20 years after it...

- Daily Photo - Late 18th Dynasty At The Petrie
UC011. Trialpiece: head of a queen (Nefertiti) wearing a tall crown; limestone; head faces right, chiefly in ink, but lips already cut out. Amarna Period. UC101. Inlay of head; yellow quartzite; king or queen. Traces of paint. The profile carving is...

- Stolen Head Returned
This stone head of Amenhotep III was stolen 20 years ago in a very famous case and now has been returned to the Egyptian embassy. The article has a picture of the head. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/london/7794437.stm...

