Heritage Management / Tourism: Clearing minefields of El Alamein

Heritage Management / Tourism: Clearing minefields of El Alamein


THE second Battle of El Alamein was a turning point in the Second World War. Montgomery's Desert Rats and the Allied Eighth Army broke through German lines, pushing Rommel's forces back to Tunisia and ending the Axis powers' designs on Middle East oilfields.

More than 65 years later, Egypt's north-west coastline remains riddled with the detritus of that war. But now the country is stepping up efforts to clear the area of the millions of landmines and lure tourists to its golden sands.

"This project opens a huge gate to the future," Mr Shazly said.

Eventually, developers believe the Mediterranean beaches, planned golf courses and marinas could rival the resorts that line the Red Sea coast to the south. . . .

Plans to build a golf course over part of the battlefield last year provoked fury from veterans' groups.

Although I categorized this partially as heritage management there appears to be very little intention (if any) to open up the battlefields themselves for visitors to experience or to pay their respects. As remarked in the above article, it was only an outcry from a veterans' group that prevented part of the battlefield being developed for golf. The mind boggles.

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