Hieroglyph Fonts

Hieroglyph Fonts


I've updated my Egyptology Portal site with Hieroglyph fonts which are available for download - some free, some commerical, as well as some Hieroglph applications that may be of interest. As usual, I am looking for any links to other information that may be of interest so please let me know if you use or own any other downloadable fonts or applications that may be relevant.

- The Tale Of Sinhue
Omezzabo's (Orlando Mezzabotta's) website and here's the introduction. Thanks very much to Rhio Barnhart for the above links. Rhio knows that I'm an absolute pushover for anything that uses web applications to help people delve into the...

- Hieroglyph Dictionary By Mark Vygus
Mark Vygus has updated his hieroglyph dictionary (March 2009) and has made it freely available to people who would like a copy. Many thanks Mark, you're a star. It is a fabulous piece of work with a helpful introduction and 25000 dictionary entries....

- Jsesh Updated
JSesh 2.4.15 Serge Rosmurduc has just released JSesh version 2.4.15. The most notable improvement of 2.4.15 is the addition of a new sign info editor. It allows one to add information on signs, for instance transliteration and sign descriptions. It can...

- Egyptology Portal Updated
http://www.egypt.cd2.com/index.html I have updated my Egyptology Portal - every link has been checked, some have been updated, some have been added and a really sad number have been removed because the links are broken. I will try and find some of them...

- Djehuty 2005 Dig Diary (in Spanish)
http://www.excavacionegipto.com/diario/diario05.jsp I was doing my usual Sunday morning trawl through my Egyptology Portal site, checking for updates and broken links, and I noticed that the Djehuty website has been updated with the 2005 dig diary. This...

