The Tale of Sinhue

The Tale of Sinhue

Omezzabo's (Orlando Mezzabotta's) website and here's the introduction.

Thanks very much to Rhio Barnhart for the above links. Rhio knows that I'm an absolute pushover for anything that uses web applications to help people delve into the worlds of archaeology and Egyptology.

If you're reading the Tale of Sinhue in hieroglyphs then look no further. Orlando Mezzabotta has provided a video of the tale written in hierglyphs and accompanied by transliterations, in five acts. I've played some of it in Windows Media Player and it works very well. At 43.3MB it does take a while to download. There's also an experimental audio version.

This is a very imaginative and useful online resource. A great idea.

- The New Dictionary From Mark Vygus
Pyramid Texts Online (links page) Pyramid Texts Online (PDF) Thanks very much to Rhio Barnhart for letting me know that Mark Vygus has released the latest version of his hieroglyph dictionary and that it is available on the above pages (if you go to the...

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- Feature: Building Pharaoh's Ship
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- Jsesh Update
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- Ancient Egyptian Language Website - New Pages A new resource on the excellent AEL website has been announced. It consists of a tabulated index of textual references appearing in popular grammars, with particular references...

