Horst Dornbusch on Beer and Civilization #7 (Egypt)

Horst Dornbusch on Beer and Civilization #7 (Egypt)

Beer Advocate

This post is dedicated to Francis :-)
When Meketre died (around 1975 B.C.), he was mummified and put to rest in a tomb in western Thebes, opposite present-day Luxor. Fortunate for us, his contemporaries placed a large collection of miniature carved wooden figures in his tomb. These toy figures represented Egyptians at work. There was a carpentry shop, an abattoir, a granary, a kitchen, a couple of river boats, and ... a brewery. Because the inner chamber of Meketre's tomb was untouched when it was discovered by Herbert E. Winlock on March 17, 1920, the workshop models give us an intimate three-dimensional view of how Egyptians lived.

The Egyptians did not invent beer. Rather they had learned the art of brewing from the world's first known brewers, the Sumerians, Babylonian, and Assyrians further to the east in what is now Iraq. The Egyptians, however, left us with the best documentation of ancient brewing practices. Most of the many depictions of Egyptian brewing that have come down to us are murals in vaults, pyramids, and sacrificial chambers. These attest to the importance and high esteem in which the art of beer-making was held in Egyptian society. Yet the find in Meketre's tomb probably ranks among the best preserved and most instructive.

- Medicinal Beer In Nubia
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- Resources: Various
Thanks to Tony Cagle's ArchaeoBlog for these. Archaeology of Ancient Beer Delwen Samuel http://ancientgrains.org/samuel1996beer.pdf Palaeoepidemiology, literacy, and medical tradition among necropolis workmen in New Kingdom Egypt. R L Miller www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1036267/pdf/medhist00052-0005.pdf...

- Brewing Processes Reproduced
Thanks to the EEF newsletter (which will be uploaded on Sunday) for highlighting the following article in PDF format, entitled Two Ancient Egyptian Mural Paintings", from the Master Brewers Association of the Americas, Technical Quarterly, vol. 42, no....

- Antibiotics In Nubian Beer
http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2005/05/0516_050516_ancientbeer.html An intriguing article on the National Geographic website about a study of human bones suggests that ancient Nubians benefited from antibiotic properties in the clays from which...

- Pharaohs Beermakers
Here our friends from the Luxor Times have the best pictures on the recent discovery by Japanese archaeologists working at Luxor of an important tomb wonderfully preserved. This is a very short article on the discovery of the tomb of Khonso Im Heb, a...

