Imaginary letters - Building the Great Pyramid

Imaginary letters - Building the Great Pyramid

Em Hotep!

Thanks to Shemsu Sesen for another excellent post, stuffed full of information, photographs, diagrams and maps.

Building the Great Pyramid Year 1: Six Letters from Hemienu

If the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, what were the first steps Hemienu took when starting the construction of the Great Pyramid? Six letters from Hemienu is a work of epistolary historical fiction, with a very heavy emphasis on historical, which explores the sort of details that would have required his attention immediately after choosing a building site for Khufu’s Pyramid.

The purpose of these imaginary missives from the desk of the Overseer of All the King’s Works is to give the reader an idea of the amount of planning, materials, and manpower involved not only in building the Great Pyramid, but in preparation for the work itself. There were mines and quarries to be opened, a fully functional workers’ city to be constructed, and an entire nation to be mobilized.

- Hemienu To Houdin
Em Hotep I am sure that all of you who are interested in this topic are following Keith's site, so this is the last pointer to his excellent recent series about pyramid construction theories. Yesterday he posted the latest installment: Hemienu to...

- Hemienu To Houdin
Em Hotep! (Keith Payne) For those of you who are following Keith's excellent series about pyramid construction the third part of his Hemienu to Houdin set is now available at the above address: Hemienu to Houdin: Phase One, Part C—The Inner Workings...

- Hemienu To Houdin: Phase One, Part B
Em Hotep (Keith Payne) The second part of Keith's article Hemienu to Houdin, part of a superbly illustrated series looking at different theories of pyramid construction. Part A can be found here. In Hemienu to Houdin: Phase One, Part A, we looked...

- Book Review: The Secret Of The Great Pyramid
Publishers Weekly The Secret of the Great Pyramid: How One Man’s Obsession Led to the Solution of Ancient Egypt’s Greatest Mystery by Bob Brier and Jean-Pierre Houdin. Collins/ Smithsonian Since its construction 4,500 years ago for Pharaoh Khufu,...

- Bob Brier On Pyramid Construction is the best summary so far of old and new theories of pyramid construction possibilities, by Egyptologists Bob Brier, on the Archaeology magazine website. It includes helpful diagrams to accompany detailed...

