Interview: Egypt Through Other Eyes

Interview: Egypt Through Other Eyes

NY Arts Magazine (Dierdre Lawrence, Brooklyn Musuem)

An interview with Timothy Hull about a previous exhibition Egypt Through Other Eyes at the Brooklyn Museum:

Dierdre Lawrence: Perhaps we can start by your telling me which images in Egypt Through Other Eyes you found most intriguing, or which theme.

Timothy Hull: I can't remember an exact piece, well, maybe I do.... I remember being drawn to a poster about an exposition of Egyptian artifacts. I was fascinated with the idea of Egyptian artifacts being used as a type of spectacle or a latter-day cabinet of curiosities. In my recent show at Freight + Volume I tried to channel that sentiment, and in that channeling, find a space that is both serious and ironic.

I find that people are still drawn to Egypt for myriad reasons...there are still so many unknown aspects of Ancient Egypt. Essentially Ancient Egypt was a death cult, and I think people are perennially obsessed with death and immortality. Do you think that the Victorian Age, which was totally in the throes of the Industrial Revolution, was fascinated so deeply with Egypt because of its assumed magic and mysticism, which seem wholly unlinked to the idea of the Age of Enlightenment and Industrialization?

See the above page for the full interview.

Timothy Hull had an exhibition of his own modern take on Egyptian art at the Freight and Volume Gallery in New York, The Swarm of Possible Meanings Surrounding the Ancient Pyramids, which was reviewed on the blog Noel Curatorial).

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