Interview with Hawass

Interview with Hawass

An interview in Spanish with Zahi Hawass. The only piece of information which was new to me was that Hawass is in talks with the National Geographic regarding the possibility of searching for the sarcophagus of Menkaure in Spanish waters off Cartagena (southeastern Spain). There was a story back in 2008 in The Times (also available online) which mentioned the possibility of searching for the sarcophagus.

¿Va a bucear en aguas españolas en busca del sarcófago de Micerinos?
-Se trata del sarcófago de Micerinos y a Egipto le gustaría cooperar con el Ministerio de Cultura español para intentar encontrarlo. Y les proveeremos de fondos, si es necesario para ello.

-¿Dónde se hundió el barco que trasladaba ese sarcófago?
-Estoy seguro de que está en aguas de Cartagena. Ahora mismo estamos en conversaciones con el National Geographic, y quizás el National podría proporcionar estos fondos.

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- Interview With Zahi Hawass (Ana Aizpiri) In Spanish. I haven't got the time to translate the entire interview, but I've listed it for those Spanish-speakers who might be interested. If you've seen an interview with Hawass before I don't think you'll be...

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- An Interview With Zahi Hawass "Archaeologist and Secretary General of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities Zahi Hawass is credited with such major discoveries as the tombs of Giza and the Saqqara Pyramids. As...

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