Interview with Zahi Hawass

Interview with Zahi Hawass (Ana Aizpiri)

In Spanish.

I haven't got the time to translate the entire interview, but I've listed it for those Spanish-speakers who might be interested. If you've seen an interview with Hawass before I don't think you'll be missing much, but the introduction is quite fun.

Entrevistar a Zahi Hawas, secretario general del Consejo Supremo de Antigüedades de Egipto, es una maravilla porque le encanta hablar de sí mismo. Pero no es fácil. En el curso de cuarenta minutos de entrevista atendió al menos diez llamadas telefónicas, una de ellas de un gobernador, dio órdenes a tres secretarias, firmó varios documentos, ordenó a un asistente que me proporcionara fotos de él, tomó un café con leche y, al final de la cita, mientras me firmaba su último libro, ordenó que se comprasen bolígrafos iguales al dorado que había llevado conmigo para el autógrafo en las negras páginas introductorias.

This is a very rough translation: To interview Zahi Hawass, the Secretary General of hte Supreme Council of Antiquities is marvellous because he loves to talk about himself. But it isn't easy. In the course of the 40 minutes of the interview he answered at least 10 phone calls, one of them from a governor, he gave orders to three secretaries, signed various documents, gave orders to an assistant who provided me with photographs of him, ordered a white coffee and, at the end of the appointment, as he signed his latest book for me, he ordered that gold pens of the sort that I had brought with me for the autographing of the black introductory pages should be purchased.

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