Interview with Hawass re recent threats to heritage

Interview with Hawass re recent threats to heritage

Spiegel Online

Egyptian Antiquities Minister Zahi Hawass has been under pressure since the plundering of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo and the fall of Hosni Mubarak. He spoke with SPIEGEL ONLINE about the extent of the damage, the accusations that he is too close to Mubarak and the happiest day of his life.

- Egypt’s Chief Archaeologist Defends His Rights (and Wrongs)
Biblical Archaeological Review (Hershel Shanks) On Sunday, January 16, I interviewed Zahi Hawass in his office in Zamalek, the elegant Cairene island in the Nile and home of the Gezira Sports Club, from which Hawass commanded an army of 32,000 employees...

- And More About The Reappointment Of Hawass . . .
Ahram Online A very short post from Nevine El-Aref: Zahi Hawass, after stepping down early in the month, is‎ re-‎appointed as minister of antiquities following a meeting with Egypt PM‎ Zahi Hawass‎, chief of the Supreme Council of Antiquities,...

- Accusation Against Minister Of Antiquities Referred To Prosecutor-general
Ahram Online (Nevine El-Aref) Zahi Hawass, minister of antiquities, has sent a report to the Prosecutor-General Abdel Meguid Mahmoud after allegations were published against him in Al-Wafd newspaper. He has been accused of smuggling Egypt’s antiquities...

- The Damages
Here are a number of different sources on damage occurred to the antiquities during the recent Egyptian revolution. President Mubarak wishes to step down later in the year but one would fear if he doesn't go now he is not going anywhere in the fall....

- Dr. Hawass On Nefertiti
This is an interview with Dr. Zahi Hawass and Spiegel Online and though the interview is brief the question and answers that regard the Berlin bust of Nefertiti are of interest. Dr. Hawass said: "Around two months ago I petitioned the Berlin museum administration...

