The Damages

The Damages

Here are a number of different sources on damage occurred to the antiquities during the recent Egyptian revolution. President Mubarak wishes to step down later in the year but one would fear if he doesn't go now he is not going anywhere in the fall.

First is Dr. Hawass who's new office is a farce and not worth dignifying a mention and some images from Art Daily of the Cairo museum under guard and a rundown of sites around Egypt and how they have fared.

- Egypt Labour Unrest Extends To Antiquities Minister
Daily Caller (Christopher Torchia) The man in charge of Egyptian antiquities starred in a TV show about his exploits, sports an “Indiana Jones”-style fedora and triumphantly declared that the nation’s heritage was mostly unscathed after the revolt...

- Interview With Hawass Re Recent Threats To Heritage
Spiegel Online Egyptian Antiquities Minister Zahi Hawass has been under pressure since the plundering of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo and the fall of Hosni Mubarak. He spoke with SPIEGEL ONLINE about the extent of the damage, the accusations that he is...

- The Rosetta Stone In The Cairo Museum
As the officials at the Cairo museum pick Yuya's heart scarab off the ground outside the museum the time to reflect on what has happened to the museum and to it's exhibits is here. Questionable press releases have come from Dr. Zahi Hawass'...

- Restoring Items Damaged In Cairo Museum
This is from Dr. Hawass' site on the state of the Cairo museum and other sites around Egypt he also takes the time to throw his support for president Mubarak....

- Is It Time For Mubarak To Be Arrested?
President Mubarak has promised he will leave in the fall though I fear that if the crowds were to disperse that the dictator may be convinced to change his mind. Thirty years of oppression on the Egyptian people is not an acceptable means of stability...

