Restoring Items Damaged in Cairo Museum

Restoring Items Damaged in Cairo Museum

This is from Dr. Hawass' site on the state of the Cairo museum and other sites around Egypt he also takes the time to throw his support for president Mubarak.

- Mubarak To Inaugurate Cultural Projects In Old Cairo
State Information Service President Hosni Mubarak will inaugurate a number of cultural projects in Old Cairo area early next year, Minister of Culture Farouk Hosni said. The President is expected to inaugurate the Islamic Art Museum, the Egyptian...

- Mubarak Inaugurates Refurbished Coptic Museum"In his address during the opening ceremony, Minister of Culture Farouq Hosni said the Coptic Museum is one of Egypt's most important museums as it houses a huge collection of artefacts dating to...

- Japan To Help Fund Museum"Japan will extend up to $307.7 million in loans to Egypt to help rebuild the Egyptian Museum, where King Tutankhamen's golden mask is exhibited. Japan and Egypt exchanged notes on...

- Is It Time For Mubarak To Be Arrested?
President Mubarak has promised he will leave in the fall though I fear that if the crowds were to disperse that the dictator may be convinced to change his mind. Thirty years of oppression on the Egyptian people is not an acceptable means of stability...

- The Damages
Here are a number of different sources on damage occurred to the antiquities during the recent Egyptian revolution. President Mubarak wishes to step down later in the year but one would fear if he doesn't go now he is not going anywhere in the fall....

