Jama Response

Jama Response

This is a fine breakdown of the recent Jama report in the search for Tutankhamen's family tree.

- Did Frail Feet Fell The Tutankhamun?
Em Hotep (Keith Payne) This analysis references the JAMA and other reports, and looks particularly at the claims for Freiburg Kohler disease found in the Pharaoh's foot and the implications of this on his reign. Was King Tut a warrior king or “one...

- An Alternative View On Tutankhamun's Family Tree
Hall of Ma'at (Katherine Griffis-Greenberg) Thanks to Alice Gaylor for pointing me at this link where Katherine Griffis-Greenberg has proposed a different family tree from that in the JAMA article. Here's a short extract from her post (part of...

- Videos Re The Jama Paper Results
Discovery News King Tut Unwrapped. Ten videos about the work behind the JAMA paper with interviews, footage of various parts of the process and dramatised reconstructions of the period from which Tutankhamum came. All can be accessed from the above page....

- Residue Of Royal Mummies
There is a lot of room for doubt in the DNA results published in the JAMA last year as to the result of testing on king Tutankhamun's mummy and mummies believed related to him and the nobles Yuya and Thuyu....

- Those Tests?
With the recent release of a Journal of American Medicine Association(JAMA) publication on the tests recently conducted on king Tutankhamen and a number of eighteenth dynasty mummies believed to be relations many questions have been raised. I have found...

