Journal: Current Anthropology October 2009

Journal: Current Anthropology October 2009

Slightly off topic, but may be of interest to some visitors.

Table of Contents

- Origins Of Early Writing
Origins of Early Writing Systems It is a really slow news day so this is thrown in for anyone interested in the origins of early writing systems. The Proceedings from the conference Origins of Early Writing Systems have been posted online. But as surprising...

- Journal Of Near Eastern Studies 66/4 2007
The latest edition of the Journal of Near Eastern Studies (Volume 66, Number 4, October 2007) has been announced, which has the following Book Reviews which are relevant to Egyptology: Donald B. Redford, The Wars in Syria and Palestine of Thutmose III...

- Bubonic Plague Originated In Egypt? (old News)
Associated Content This article, dating to 7th September, popped up today on Google Alerts, but actually dates back to 2004, when it was quite widely reported. The article quotes the source of the piece as a National Geographic article dated to March...

- No News!
Just a quick note to say that I'm not being lazy, but I really have been unable to find any Egyptology news to report today! So, instead, this is off-topic, but in the absence of anything else, and just for those of you who are interested in the...

- Origins Of Africa's Cattle The first issue of "The African Scientist - Bringing Genomes Alive". It dates to January of this year, but I've only...

