No news!

No news!

Just a quick note to say that I'm not being lazy, but I really have been unable to find any Egyptology news to report today!

So, instead, this is off-topic, but in the absence of anything else, and just for those of you who are interested in the origins of agriculture, there's quite a nice Near Eastern prehistoric find reported from Gilgal (near Jericho) this week. 11,000 year old wild oat and wild barley grains have been found, which researchers Weiss, Kislev and Hartmann (from Bar-Ilan University) argue are the first signs of deliberate cultivation in the area:
11,000 year old grain shakes up beliefs on beginnings of agriculture (Jerusalem Post)
"Until now, the general assumption has been that agriculture was begun by a single line of human efforts in one specific area. But the BIU researchers found a much more complicated effort undertaken by different human populations in different regions, drawing a completely new picture of the origins of agriculture.
Agriculture, the BIU researchers suggest, originated through human manipulations of wild plants - sometimes involving the same species - that took place in various spatially and temporally distinct communities. Moreover, some of these occasions were found to be much earlier than previously thought possible."
See the above article for the rest of the summary of the findings. It was derived from the magazine Science - for access to Science online (subscription or pay per view), go to:

- Journal: Current Anthropology October 2009 Slightly off topic, but may be of interest to some visitors. Table of Contents Special Section: Rethinking the Origins of AgricultureComments: Rethinking the Origins of AgricultureRethinking...

- More Re Donkey Domestication
Science Daily An international group of researchers has found evidence for the earliest transport use of the donkey and the early phases of donkey domestication, suggesting the process of domestication may have been slower and less linear than previously...

- More Re Neolithic Settlement Found In The Faiyum
Science Daily Archaeologists from UCLA and the University of Groningen (RUG) in the Netherlands have found the earliest evidence ever discovered of an ancient Egyptian agricultural settlement, including farmed grains, remains of domesticated animals,...

- Ucla-dutch Team Uncovers Egypt’s Earliest Agricultural Settlement
UCLA Newsroom (Meg Sullivan) Archaeologists from UCLA and the University of Groningen (RUG) in the Netherlands have found the earliest evidence ever discovered of an ancient Egyptian agricultural settlement, including farmed grains, remains of domesticated...

- Cattle Nomads In The Prehistoric Sahara
Some sadly brief pieces about the excellent work carried out by Dr Kropelin and his colleagues in the eastern Sahara, including the Gilf Kebir. There's a bit more on the above page, but not much. ( "A 3,200-year...

