

Just a quick note re Kat. If anyone is in regular contact with her please note that I received an email from her daughter Sarah to let me know that her computer is down at the moment and she is not sending or receiving email. She'll let people know when things are up and running again.

- Definitely Closing This Time!
After a couple of attempts to keep Egyptology News going, this is just a quick note to point out the self-evident fact that I no longer have the time to keep either the blog or the associated Twitter account up to date.  For those on Twitter I recommend...

- Kat's Back
Just to let everyone know that Kat is absolutely fine. She got in touch earlier today to confirm that she is well, that the reason for falling out of touch is that her computer went into complete meltdown and had to be sent away for repair and that her...

- Blog Update
I have to go up to Wales unexpectedly today, so I won't be around until early next week. Sorry! I'll backdate when I get back. Before I go I just want to say that I am having trouble with email. Some older emails are sitting in my "to do" folder...

- Satellites Reveal Ancient Sites
The Birmingham News In a computer lab on Birmingham's Southside, UAB anthropology professor Sarah Parcak scours satellite images for hidden Egyptian archaeological sites half a world away. With the help of the new technology, Parcak and collaborators...

- A Letter Form The King Of Mitanni To The Queen Mother Of Egypt
To Tiye Lady of Egypt Thus speaks Tushratta King of the Mitanni Approximately 1350 bc All is well with me. May all be well with you. May all go well in your house, for your son, may all be perfectly well for your soldiers and for all belonging to you....

