King Tutankhamun Reconstruction - in Audio

King Tutankhamun Reconstruction - in Audio
NPR News interview with Chris Sloan from the National Geographic Society. He talks about two teams who worked on the team - one team who knew it was Tutankhamun, one who didn't. Initially the team in the dark thought that the skull was female. They thought that the skull was a little strange in shape, but their investigations showed that it falls within the range of human variation. This has more information than most of the newspaper and Internet articles, and is well worth a listen if you are interested in this subject. You will need either Windows Media Player or RealPlayer installed (but there are links to download either if you haven't got them already and do want to install them).

- Who's Your Mummy?
3 News The face of an Egyptian mummy at Otago Museum has been revealed for the first time in over 2,000 years. The 35-year-old female aristocrat has been part of the museum's collection for more than a century. The facial reconstruction of the mummy...

- Hazards Of Recreating Ancient Egyptian Faces
National Geographic (Chris Sloan) Thanks again to David Petersen for this link. This page looks at the difficulties and controversies of trying to recreate the faces of the ancient Egyptian kings. I’ll never forget attending opening night of the King...

- Kv55 - Ct-scan Of Mummy (akhenaten Or Smenkhkare?)
National Geographic (Brian Handwerk) CT Scans have been used on the KV55 mummy with a view to discovering its identity. The mummy's identity has generated fierce debate ever since its discovery in 1907 in tomb KV 55, located less than 100 feet (30...

- The Day's Round-up Of Tutankhamun Stuff
This is by no means an exhaustive collection of what's available, because there are simply far too many Tutankhamun features to list - I've simply listed some of the potentially more interesting: Some videos about the exhbition which may be worth...

- Facial Reconstruction Of Tutankhamun "Dr Zahi Hawass, Secretary-General of the SupremeCouncil of Antiquities (SCA), announced yesterday theresults of three independent attempts to reconstructthe face of Egypt's most famous King, Tutankhamun. Dr...

