The Day's Round-Up of Tutankhamun Stuff

The Day's Round-Up of Tutankhamun Stuff

This is by no means an exhaustive collection of what's available, because there are simply far too many Tutankhamun features to list - I've simply listed some of the potentially more interesting:

Some videos about the exhbition which may be worth a look are at:,0,564938.story?coll=cl-home-top-blurb-right
The following has some lovely photos and a couple of audio files which may be of interest:
An audio file looking at the cost of holding the Tutankhamun exhibition is at:
King Tut's skin colour a subject for controversy:,1413,211~23523~2921859,00.html and at,,2-13-1443_1722254,00.html

If you really want to trawl through a full collection of articles, have a look at this long listing (on this very long URL!):

- Tutankhamun Exhibition Draws Protestors,,2-10-1462_2116673,00.html "A travelling exhibition on King Tutankhamun drew about 50 protesters in Philadelphia who denounced the popular display as racist. Molefi Asante, a professor of African-American studies...

- Tutankhamun Audio Tours ( article about the audio tour that accompanies the Tutankhamun exhibition. "The Tut audio tour includes brief but informative interviews with Zahi Hawass, the secretarygeneral of Egypt’s Supreme Council...

- A Feast For The Ears (more Tut) article about the Jorge Ramos and Omar Sharif audio guides for the Tutankhamun exhibition. Another exhibition summary can be found at: (Journal News website). A short piece on work still to be completed...

- For-profit Exhibitions Vs. Museums' Mission,0,6872498,print.story?coll=cl-home-top-blurb-right "Among the questions confronting art-world leaders: Should nonprofit institutions such as LACMA, whose missions are educational, scholarly...

- King Tutankhamun Reconstruction - In Audio NPR News interview with Chris Sloan from the National Geographic Society. He talks about two teams who worked on the team - one team who knew it was Tutankhamun, one who didn't. Initially...

