king Tut's olive branch

king Tut's olive branch
An article published yesterday on the This Is Local London website about Kew Gardens mentions the role of the Royal Botanical Gardens in identifying wood in the tomb of Tutankhamun: "This discovery of boy king Tutankhamen's tomb hit the headlines in 1923 as the most sensational find of its time. But the discovery of several olive branches buried along with the pharaoh to help him in the after life is a much lesser known fact. At the time a mystery surrounded what type of plant the branches were, so a professor took a sample and sent it to the Botanical Gardens at Kew to be named. Botanists at the herbarium at Kew identified the plant as an olive branch, which still remains neatly pressed in the collection centre to this day, along with more than seven million other plant species from around the world".

- Exhibition: Gardens Of The Pharaohs
Rijksmuseum Van Oudheden Thanks to Paula Veiga's Facebook post for this link.  With five photos. 27 April - 2 September 2012 The exhibition Gardens of the Pharaohs will showcase the flora of ancient Egypt. Visitors will find out what plants,...

- Glimpses Of Diet Through Plant Remains
British Museum (Philippa Ryan) With photos. I’m in Sudan looking at ancient plant remains from Amara West to investigate past diet and the potential impact of climate change on how plants were used. This type of evidence can also provide insight into...

- Revised Edition: Codex Of Ancient Egyptian Plant Remains
Sais Books The second revised and extended edition of the Codex of Ancient Egyptian Plant Remains is now available for order online from the publisher at Sais Books. Over 5300 identifications of ancient Egyptian plant remains.Shortlist to species identifications.Taxonomical...

- Daily Photo - Seriously Off-topic In Kew Gardens
Forgive! There was no blog update yesterday because I was at the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew, for which I have a season ticket. I got back late and I had a dozen other things to do. I'll be back to Egypt-themed photos tomorrow. It was a very overcast...

- The Pharmacy Of The Pharaohs"Scientists at The University of Manchester have teamed up with colleagues in Egypt in a bid to discover what medicines were used by the ancient Egyptians. The KNH Centre for Biomedical Egyptology...

