Daily Photo - Seriously off-topic in Kew Gardens

Daily Photo - Seriously off-topic in Kew Gardens

Forgive! There was no blog update yesterday because I was at the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew, for which I have a season ticket. I got back late and I had a dozen other things to do. I'll be back to Egypt-themed photos tomorrow.

It was a very overcast day yesterday, constantly threatening rain but never quite delivering it. My friend Donna brough her mother, aunt and grandmother. Her grandmother was a complete revelation - we walked for nearly four hours with only two short breaks and we had to keep up with her! Speaking to Donna by phone later we agreed that we had been seriously out-walked and outclassed by an 86 year old. Fabulous.

Just to bring things slightly more back into the realm of ancient Egypt, the Royal Botanic Gardens is not just a wonderful garden but an internationally important research facility. They have an anient Egyptian collection of their own, details of which, with photographs, can be found on their website:

The Collections house items from many important sources. Specimens excavated by Sir Flinders Petrie and Guy Brunton include about 80 specimens from the Roman Cemetary at Hawara, and 25 late Middle Kingdom specimens, mostly wreaths, from Lahun. The Collections also house around 30 New Kingdom specimens from Thebes, and Geoffrey Martin's excavations in the 1970's contributed 68 Ptolemaic specimens from North Saqqara. Additional material comes from Tell el Amarna, Faras, Roda, and Carter's excavations in the tomb of Tutankhamun.

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New Scientist This mummy had no abdominal incision. But if the embalmers had used the anal purge, it hadn't worked: most of the organs were intact and in place. Granville concluded that the embalmers had used a method Herodotus had missed. One clue...

- Daily Photo - Spring In England
A total departure from the usual Egyptian theme in today's photo (I don't have even the smallest Egypt-related excuse for this post!). It was such a lovely day yesterday that I decided to take my notes into the sunshine. I spent the afternoon...

- Dna Analysis Of Mummy
http://tinyurl.com/yq54mz (media.www.studlife.com)This website allowed me to look at both pages once, but when I attempted to view the pages for a second time, asked me to log in or subscribe. "Washington University researchers have recently made a series...

- New York Auction Includes Egyptian Mummy Hand
http://www.1010wins.com/pages/321480.php?contentType=4&contentId=387034 "An extremely rare Tyrannosaurid skull, an ancient Egyptian mummy hand, and the largest iron ore meteorite are among the hundreds of world-class specimens in the most comprehensive...

- King Tut's Olive Branch
http://tinyurl.com/7b2f3 An article published yesterday on the This Is Local London website about Kew Gardens mentions the role of the Royal Botanical Gardens in identifying wood in the tomb of Tutankhamun: "This discovery of boy king Tutankhamen's...

