Daily Photo - Spring in England

Daily Photo - Spring in England

A total departure from the usual Egyptian theme in today's photo (I don't have even the smallest Egypt-related excuse for this post!). It was such a lovely day yesterday that I decided to take my notes into the sunshine. I spent the afternoon at the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, near Richmond, at the side of the Thames. These are just some cheerful photos of what Kew looks like this week - miles of crocus and daffodil beds outdoors, and the hot houses thriving as usual. I shared my lunch with a small robin who sat brazenly at my feet waiting to be fed. If you're interested there's a terrific Henry Moore display at the moment, with 28 of Moore's large-scale sculptures scattered through the gardens. I'll return to Egyptain themes tomorrow!

- Conserving Egypt’s Past At The Hearst
Berkeleyside (Lance Knobel) I’ve always found small exhibitions far better experiences than blockbusters. You generally don’t need to jostle with the crowds and you can concentrate on understanding a few objects, rather than be overwhelmed by hundreds....

- Meeting Up With Jane Akshar
After all these years emailing to and fro without ever meeting, Jane and I have finally got our act together and are meeting for lunch at the British Museum today. For some reason every time Jane has been in London and I've been in Luxor we have managed...

- Daily Photo - Seriously Off-topic In Kew Gardens
Forgive! There was no blog update yesterday because I was at the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew, for which I have a season ticket. I got back late and I had a dozen other things to do. I'll be back to Egypt-themed photos tomorrow. It was a very overcast...

- Blog Update
Hi to All Please find the blog backdated until last Wednesday. They are easy to spot - all the new posts are located between today's Daily Photo and a place holder Daily Photo for Thursday with images from the tomb of Urirenptah. Thanks as usual...

- King Tut's Olive Branch
http://tinyurl.com/7b2f3 An article published yesterday on the This Is Local London website about Kew Gardens mentions the role of the Royal Botanical Gardens in identifying wood in the tomb of Tutankhamun: "This discovery of boy king Tutankhamen's...

