KV63 - summary of the latest news

KV63 - summary of the latest news

The Al Ahram Weekly's Nevine El-Aref summarizes the situation at KV63, with news of the latest discoveries: "Hawass told Al-Ahram Weekly that the team had also opened the sealed jars and found that they contained natron, miniature vessels, bits of plant material and in some cases seal impressions. These seals matched examples found in the tomb of Tutankhamun (KV62) and the embalming cache of Tutankhamun (KV54), where leftover material from his mummification and funerary banquet were placed together. The seal impressions found so far include a lion and a crocodile holding a captive, the sun-disk on top of a seated Osiris flanked by the symbols of Upper and Lower Egypt above the sign for gold, and the jackal-headed god Anubis with nine bound captives."
See the above page for the full story.

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