KV63 and KV10 Update

KV63 and KV10 Update

I have become so accustomed to clicking on the KV63 link on my links site that I nearly clicked straight off again without clocking the fact that the KV63 site has been updated. It's only a brief offering, but it does contain some useful information so here it is in its entirety:

The 2008 Season
My departure date for Egypt is now slated for January 28th. I will spend a few days in Cairo meeting with the SCA officials before heading to Luxor. It is my aim to re-open KV-10 sometime in early February depending on the successful completion of necessary permits and other arrangements.

KV-10/KV-63 staff, conservators and specialists will stagger their arrivals throughout February and March so we have adequate coverage for the various tasks and projects planned this season. Our daily routine will probably not vary much from past seasons although this year we will be in a study and conservation mode.

Director Schaden

- Kv63 Update
KV63 Dig Diary (Otto Schaden) Thanks to Kate Phizackerley's blog and her reader Len Solt for pointing to the above update dating to November 4th 2010 on the KV63 website. Details of some of the research results from last season are discussed and some...

- Otto Schaden's Dig Diary (kv 10 And Kv63)
Otto's Dig Diary 20 NOVEMBER 2008 Servus! I am happy to report that our plans for the 2009 season has now been finalized. I will depart for Cairo on January 2nd. Factoring in a few days of scheduled meetings and retrieving supplies I should reach...

- Kv63 Anniversary
http://www.kv-63.com/home.htmlThanks to Carolin Johansson for pointing out that the KV63 website has been updated with the following anniversary post:"On the eve of our One Year Anniversary on the discovery of KV-63 I would like to take this opportunity...

- Kv63 Website Updated
http://www.kv-63.com/index.htmlOtto Schaden has updated the KV63 website with the following short report: "Since the closing of KV10 and KV63 on July I6th I have been busy with reports to the SCA and a proposal for the 2007 season which will commence...

- Kv 63 Web Links
A round-up of some of the most useful resources for KV63 for those struggling to keep track of the most useful websites. Others will doubtless become available when the excavation has finished and the details become available for official publication....

