La arqueología hispalense conquista Egipto

La arqueología hispalense conquista Egipto de Sevilla (Lola Rodriquez)

An article looking at Spanish archaeology projects in Spain, including the upcoming work planned for the funerary temple of Tuthmosis III and the ongoing excavations at the tomb of Djehuty. The Djehuty Project is now in its ninth season and has its own dedicated website with summaries provided in English (web pages) and Arabic (PDF document).

Pese a haber sido objeto de multitud de campañas arqueológicas a lo largo del siglo XX, el antiguo Egipto aún alberga enigmas por resolver. Las arenas del desierto esconden multitud de vestigios milenarios, auténticos tesoros para desvelar interrogantes clave de la historia. Los arqueólogos, ayudados por los avances de la ciencia, siguen teniendo un verdadero filón en la tierra de las pirámides y Sevilla bien puede presumir de contar entre las expediciones más punteras con dos importantes valores como Myriam Seco y José Miguel Serrano.

See the above page for the full story.

- Tras La Huella De Los Faraones
Sevilla Actualidad A summary of some of the work being carried out in Egypt by two Spanish teams in Aswan and Luxor. With photographs. Dos científicos andaluces, Alejandro Jimenez Serrano de la Universidad de Jaen y Myriam Seco Álvarez de la Universidad...

- En Busca Del Tesoro Escondido
El Pais (Roman Orozco) Profile of Myriam Seco Alvarez, archaeologist working in Egypt. Myriam apenas levantaba un par de palmos del suelo. A su padre, Manuel, no le gustaba la playa. Los días del verano los pasaban en Sevilla. Myriam consumía horas...

- La Tercera Visita A Djehuty (Juan J Gomez) Thanks very much to "Tepsicore" for sending me the above link. The seventh season of work at the tomb of Djehuty in Luxor is taking place. Djehuty was a noble who had senior roles under the reign of Hatshepsut. The aim of the...

- The Sen-en-mut Project
Tendencias21 Egiptologia ( Francisco J. Martín Valentín) On the 27th October the fifth season (2007) of the Sen-En-Mut Project commenced. The project, managed by the Instituto de Estudios del Antiguo Egipto, is examining Theban Tomb 353 in Deir el Bahri,...

- Exhibtition: Djehuty Project Finds Go On Display
Andalucia Investiga Thanks to Tepiscore for the above link. I'll translate this if I get some time. It concerns the Middle kingdom tomb of Djehuty. The Djehuty Project also has its own website, with pages in English at: La...

