Laser scanning system for Bahariya mummies

Laser scanning system for Bahariya mummies
"Geomatics company, Plowman Craven, purchased a robust EuroPac Metrology laser scanning system to investigate mummies in the Bahariyah Oasis, located in Egypt's Western Desert. . . . The first test for the EuroPac system was to scan recently discovered mummies in the Bahariyah Oasis, located in Egypt's Western Desert.
Plowman Craven 3D were commissioned to undertake high-definition close range scanning of some of the most important mummies from the site, as well as the tombs in which they were found, as an important visualisation and conservation record of these amazing remains.
The flexibility of EuroPac's technology allowed for quick and easy set-ups in conditions and environments previously untested by such systems.
The captured data was real-time visualised in EuroPac's reverse engineering software and 3D rapid models were created whilst on-site.
Archaeologists are now able to monitor any degradation of the mummies that may incur due to their movement from the tombs or purely due to the passing of time.
Utilising all their metrology, survey and archaeological expertise Plowman Craven 3D and the EuroPac Metrology team produced breathtaking results in a country that has previously never seen such cutting-edge technology applied to its rich heritage."
See the above page for full details on the technology and how it works.

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