Last week at Balamun

Last week at Balamun

EES Delta Survey

The EES are continuing to update their blog.

We’re now at the end of our short season of work at Balamun. Excavation of levels earlier than the mud-brick building we’ve been investigating has revealed remains of collapsed bread ovens which are probably of the Third Intermediate Period, maybe late New Kingdom.

In addition to the SCA Antiquities Inspector who is assigned to the mission, we’ve had with us this year some young Inspectors for training in excavation techniques, including use of the EES Topcon total station, which we use for both general surveying and setting out the grid for our Polish colleagues to use for the magnetic mapping..

In a day or so we will be starting the EES survey (and some limited ‘test’ excavation) at Yetwal wa Yuksur. This will mean we have to get up earlier in the morning (about 5.30) to drive to the site which is beyond Bilqeis (about an hour’s drive away).

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- Ees Delta Survey
Egypt Exporation Society With photos. The online publication of the EES Delta Survey has been updated recently by Jeffrey Spencer to reflect recent activity by the Society and by other expeditions. Links to the dedicated websites of non-EES projects have...

- Excavations At Balamun
EES Delta Survey (Patricia Spencer) With photos. At the end of our first week of work for the British Museum at Balamun. Despite the bad weather just after we arrived here, we did manage to start work as planned on the 27th, though the site was very muddy...

- Online Publication: Excavation In Egypt At Tell El-balamun
British Museum The fourth volume in the series of final reports for this project is entitled Excavations at Tell el-Balamun 2003 – 2008. It is available to download here in PDF format. The file is low-resolution for on-screen viewing. Users who want...

