Excavations at Balamun

Excavations at Balamun

EES Delta Survey (Patricia Spencer)

With photos.

At the end of our first week of work for the British Museum at Balamun. Despite the bad weather just after we arrived here, we did manage to start work as planned on the 27th, though the site was very muddy and wet for the first few days. Usually our first job is to re-erect our wooden site hut, which is the base for our day and night guards and where our site equipment (wheelbarrows, picks, baskets, etc) is stored overnight. This year, because of the state of the surface, it wasn’t possible to erect it before we started work as donkey carts weren’t able to access the site. So, on our second working day, after the breakfast break when everything had dried to some extent, some of our workmen and the site guards moved the hut and re-erected it next to our excavation.

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- More Work By The Ees Delta Survey
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- Return To Amara West
British Museum (Neal Spencer) With photos. Posted 17th November 2010. Amidst the chaos, heat and dust of our building work at the dig house, we finally managed a short visit to the archaeological site of Amara West itself earlier this week, to see whether...

- Last Week At Balamun
EES Delta Survey The EES are continuing to update their blog. We’re now at the end of our short season of work at Balamun. Excavation of levels earlier than the mud-brick building we’ve been investigating has revealed remains of collapsed bread ovens...

