Late Period Fort

Late Period Fort

A fortified garrison town has been found dating to the reign of Psamtik I at Tell Dafna.

- More Re Garrison Found In Egypt’s Eastern Delta
eTurboNews (Hazel Heyer) This is an older story, but the above site only seems to have picked up on it yesterday. Given that there's absolutely no other news around (or none that I can find) I've posted it for anyone who might have missed it first...

- Ancient Military Town Dating Back To 26th Dynasty Discovered In Ismailiya With photos Minister of Culture, Farouk Hosni, announced today that a Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) archaeological mission in Ismailia Governorate has revealed the remains of a military town, dated to the 26th Dynasty (ca. 664-625...

- More Re Sinai Forts
Reuters (Alastair Sharp) With three photographs. A military garrison of mud-brick and seashells unearthed in Egypt's Sinai desert may be key to finding a web of pharaonic-era defenses at the northeast gateway to ancient Egypt, archaeologists said...

- Looking For More Sites Along The Horus Way In Sinai
Yahoo! News A military garrison of mud-brick and seashells unearthed in Egypt's Sinai desert may be key to finding a web of pharaonic-era defenses at the northeast gateway to ancient Egypt , archaeologists said on Thursday. Archaeologists who discovered...

- Late Period Fort
In the eastern delta near the Suez canal a fort probably dating to the 7th century bc has been discovered.

