Lecture notes: Artefacts and Early Archaeologists in the Valley of Kings

Lecture notes: Artefacts and Early Archaeologists in the Valley of Kings

Luxor News blog (Jane Akshar)

Artefacts and Early Archaeologists in the Valley of Kings – Donald Ryan

Or what they left behind

There is a cycle in the Valley of Kings of burial (sometimes reburial) and robbery ancient and modern. There are mummy caches with dockets recording the movement from one safe place to another. There is one artefact that he feels sums up the whole valley which is of the remnants of the face piece where the wooden remains clearly show the marks of the adze that removed the gold.

The archaeologists of the past were interested in different things, gold and treasure mainly so often when they found a tomb they would describe it as having nothing of interest because it ‘only’ held mummies and pottery, consequently they left a lot behind in the tombs they excavated

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