Lecture notes: TT184 Nefermenu

Lecture notes: TT184 Nefermenu

More of Jane's notes from the Mummification Museum in Luxor. This week's notes are from the lecture of Dr Zoltan Fabian from the Hungarian Mission on the subject of the tomb of Nefermenu (TT 184) and other tombs located on the southern slope of El Khokha: "TT184 is a 19th dynasty tomb in the Khokha area which is between Deir el Bahri and the Ramasseum, the other side of the Assasif. It is 46m wide site and there is a modern building built on the courtyard. TT412 was known in the 60’s and the whole hillside is very crowded to 6 levels or stories. There are 19th, 18th, Middle Kingdom and Old kingdom remains."
See Jane's notes at the above page.

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