Luxor News Blog

Luxor News Blog

Mummification Museum Lecture
Tomb 34, Monthemhat No 34 by Dr Farouk Goman
Jane's notes on the latest lecture are on her blog at the above address: "The tomb of Monthemhat no TT34, is one of the great tombs in the part of the necropolis of Thebes, which is known under the name el-Assasif near the temple of the Queen Hatshepsut at el Deir el Bahri. Monthemhat, the owner of the tomb, belonged to a well known family in the region of Thebes. Its members were known since the 22nd dynasty, between 946 and 720 BC. Some of these were viziers, priests or prophets of the God Amun and month, also mayor of Thebes. The father of Monthemhat, named New-Ptah, was the prophet of the God Month and also the mayor of Thebes."
Impressions of Egypt
Jane has also added a link to a blog which catalogues one American family's visit to Egypt. It is entertaining and evocative, and there are some good photographs: "We returned to the Cairo Egyptian Museum for another round of pharaonic madness. This time the museum was packed and yet not as overwhelming as the first visit. It helped having been there once before. This time we had a better sense of what we wanted to see and what was actually realistic in being able to see. There is just so much here.We hung around the atrium area where Narmer’s palette is located. Sarcophagi of Hatshepsut and others dominate the main floor area. The swap meet feeling remains. Some of the items are presented front and center with piles of objects stacked along the walls. Some items are marked, some not. Treasures stashed in corners. Crazy."

- A Visit To Pabasa And The Assasif Tombs
Luxor News Blog (Jane Akshar) Thanks to Jane for sharing photos from her recent visit to Pabasa and the tombs of Assasif. They look wonderful. I am out in Luxor at Christmas so I'll try and get in a visit! Whilst buying tickets to Hatshepsut’s...

- In The Field: Royal Family Necropolis Of The Third Intermediate Period At The Temple Of Hatshepsut At Deir El Bahri
Luxor News Blog (Jane Akshar) Royal Family Necropolis of the Third Intermediate Period at the temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el Bahri. Dr Szafranski Discovery of these burials has been a side effect of their excavations of the temple, its surroundings and...

- The Assasif Tombs news from Jane Akshar's news blog: "Whilst buying tickets to Hatshepsut’s temple at Deir el Bahri you may have noticed the sign giving ticket prices for the Assasif Tombs. Next time don’t ignore...

- Lecture Notes: Tt184 Nefermenu of Jane's notes from the Mummification Museum in Luxor. This week's notes are from the lecture of Dr Zoltan Fabian from the Hungarian Mission on the subject of the tomb of Nefermenu (TT 184) and...

- Luxor News
Some news items by Jane Akshar on her Luxor News Blog The Temple of Mut First, Jane has been lucky enough to visit the Temple of Mut, next to Karnak, where excavations...

