The Assasif Tombs

The Assasif Tombs
More news from Jane Akshar's news blog: "Whilst buying tickets to Hatshepsut’s temple at Deir el Bahri you may have noticed the sign giving ticket prices for the Assasif Tombs. Next time don’t ignore them they are well worth a visit. The Assasif is a very rich area for archaeologists and there are teams working at Petamenophis, Harwa and Puimra. The tombs that are open are Kheruef which is fully described here and Ankh Hor, which are on the same ticket and finally Pabasa, which is a separate ticket."
See the above page for more details, together with photographs.

- Mummification Museum Lecture - Tt39 Puimra - Dr Gabirela Arrache to Jane Akshar for adding some more notes from the lecture series held at Luxor's Mummification Museum. Her latest notes are from Dr Gabirela Arrache's lecture on TT39, the tomb of Puimra. "Dr...

- Lecture Notes: Tt184 Nefermenu of Jane's notes from the Mummification Museum in Luxor. This week's notes are from the lecture of Dr Zoltan Fabian from the Hungarian Mission on the subject of the tomb of Nefermenu (TT 184) and...

- Mummification Museum Lectures
Jane Akshar has been busy again, making notes from Luxor Mummification Museum lectures, and publishing them online on her blog. The most recent are as follows: Dr Jose Galan lecturing about Theban Tombs TT11 and TT12

- Luxor News Jane Akshar has been updating her blog, as usual, with some excellent information about current activities in Luxor. See the following web pages: Mummification Museum Lecture - Marriage Stele of Ramses II - Charles...

- Changes At The Valley Of The Kings If you're brave enough to tackle the heat and are planning on a visit to Luxor this summer, take note of Jane Akshar's news on the above page about changes at the Valley of the Kings, with the ticket...

