Lecture tour: BSS in Egypt - Exploring Amarna

Lecture tour: BSS in Egypt - Exploring Amarna

As usual I'm using my owner's rights to break my own rules and plug a tour/lecture meeting. operated by Lucia Gahlin and the Bloomsbury Summer School. This one is a bit special partly because over 50% of the profit is going to the Amarna Trust. Thanks to the October tour/course they will be able to give the Amarna Trust nearly £4000. October was sold out but there are some places left for December if you're interested.

30 November – 7 December 2009
BSS in Egypt presents:
Exploring Amarna: Akhenaten's Abandoned City?
A tour of Middle Egypt combined with a course taught by Professor Barry Kemp.

Bloomsbury Summer School offers you an innovative opportunity to study the history, culture and archaeology of Tell el-Amarna in Middle Egypt, with morning visits to local archaeological sites (including two visits to Amarna) and afternoon lectures given by Professor Barry Kemp, Field Director at Amarna since 1977.

Over 50% of the profit will go to the Amarna Trust: www.amarnatrust.com

For further details, have a look at our website:
Or contact the Deputy Director:
[email protected] or 0207 679 3622.

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